Created: September 2016

A recap of Earl Haig's Student Activity Council's 3 day trip to Muskoka Woods. The trip's purpose was to bond student leaders of SAC together, alongside student leaders of SAC associated councils together. Team building activities included rock climbing, zip lining, and building games.

Created: February 2016

A recap of Earl Haig's last RAD event of the year, organized by Junior Council. RAD's purpose is to connect students of younger grades with students of older grades at Earl Haig.  

Created: December 2015

A recap of Junior Week, organized by Junior Council. Junior Week's purpose is to encourage school spirit among students of younger grades. Activities throughout the week included a talent show, free waffle breakfast, and spaghetti tacos afterschool.


Created: October 2017

A recap of Earl Haig's Student Activity Council Retreat. Luckily, mid-October temperatures weren't too ridiculous so Student Activity Council and SAC-affiliated council members partook in activities such as hiking, Inuit blanket, more hiking, bonfires, ice breakers, treetop trekking, and more ice breakers.

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